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July 26th, 2017



We want to thank the European University of Valencia for the interest in our work. Professor Jose Fernández-Llebrez invited us to talk about our experience in collective urbanism in his Máster Habilitante in the School of Architecture and Technique. The conference was held in the art gallery “pazYcomedias” in the city center of Valencia (Pl. del Colegio del Patriarca, 5) on Wednesday, June the 28th 2017.

We emphasized the development of various residential tissues in Central Europe, like “Wildgarten” and “Siemensäcker” in Vienna. These are districts, which are about 8 and 11 ha and which evolved as innovative examples for shared tissues, mobility, biodiversity and housing typologies. We developed them in all stages: From the architecture and urbanist competition, the definition of the masterplan, as well as the design of the 150 housing units which will be distributed in over the two districts. (projects currently under development)

You can follow the links to get more information about the projects: