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July 22nd, 2014




Urbanistic competition for the area of the ‘Park Schönfeld Carree’

Kassel, Germany, 2014

Together with land lab, landscape architecture (Miriam García)



The competition for the ‘Park Schönfeld Carree’ searched for solutions for the urban development for an area, that finds itself situated between two scenes: on the one side the consolidated city in the North; on the other side a big natural park in the South.

With the theme “Yin Yang” we propose a dual and simultaneous strategy: the park infiltrates the city and the other way round. Therefore we combine the two urban textures with two different velocities of mobility: the one of the car, which only can access from the Northeast, and the one of the pedestrian, for whom a green path to the park in the Southeast will be provided.

The buildings are distributed corresponding the two mobility lines with different scales: small detached or semidetached houses along the pedestrian path, organized around private gardens. Bigger and denser buildings (collective housing) are aligned with the motorized traffic, organized around urban squares, with commerce in the ground floor and access to the subterranean garage.




At the end of these two lines the „Yin Yang“ effect is amplified: the green pedestrian path leads to a natural elevated terrace, looking back to the city and the urban street ends with a big square with a view to the park. Between these two focuses, a common green area „between the blocks“, which functions as lung for the new quarter, and an ecological, sustainable urban development, flexible in time, that presents itself in every phase as an unique and complete urban, texture, reconciling the park and the city.




> landscape architecture:

land lab, landscape architecture (miriam garcía garcía)

> collaboration:

. inés garcía garcía, student of architecture

. laura salvador gonzález, student of architecture

.almudena cano piñeiro, architect

. paula fernández san marcos, architect

. kerstin pluch, architect

.Darine Korban Choueiri, landscape architect (landlab)