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July 22nd, 2014


/Volumes/Archivo Estudio/00_proyectos/proyectos 2014/2014_15_koo


Ideas competition for the development of a cooperative planning for the area Wien 11

Simmeringer / Hauptstraße 168 / Gattergasse  /  Lorystraße 97

Vienna, Austria, 2014



The competition „Freytag-Gründe“ tries to set the fundamentals for the development of a cooperative planning. The guidelines are defined by an interdisciplinary group of experts (architects, landscape architects, sociologists, and mobility and energy experts) for an urban planning, which combines the interests of promoters, politics, municipality and the demands of society.



To cope with such an open task, we react with a strategy, open to negotiation of the different parties: We define a set of supports (in form of gardens of different sizes), around which a certain building development is possible. This guarantees the diversity of the sizes of the building – and therefore of the investment – in a democratic urban development. The configuration of alternative mobility (bikelines and access for cars in emergency situations) arranges a pedestrian friendly environment, the autonomy ensure the continuity of a high-quality green space.




Once the elements and qualities are defined as goals, the following process oft he cooperative palnning hast o generate the right mix of garden types (S,M,L), as well as the associated density, rules of appliance and proposals for following management – for the buildings as well as for the free space – for a smooth functioning of a innovative, democratic and sustainable neighborhood.


. inés garcía garcía, student of architecture

. kerstin pluch, architect