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July 12th, 2013






Competition of ideas for the planning of the V2+ area

With Einszueins Architektur Wien

Vienna, Austria, 2013



The panel was looking for urban concepts for the development of the V2+ area, which borders with Vorgartenstrasse, the metro line U2 and the new university campus of Vienna. To address the complex task of planning, we proposed a review of all the fragmented pieces of information: urban guidelines that manage the debate between the different parties involved: public institutions, private developers and responsible technicians.

The search for an urban identity through recognizable nodes (seen in the image), the diversity of scales of available space or the centralised management of the ground plans are some of the proposed guidelines. The set of guidelines defines a framework of action inside a much larger field, which encompasses the proposals of the different technicians involved. The condition of independent information, detachable and interchangeable makes the proposal an open management tool for the planning process of the area.



. Almudena Cano Piñeiro, architect

. Kerstin Pluch, architect