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September 16th, 2011



Final Masters Project: ‘Noah´s Ark’. Controversy and germs..

Author: Luis Palacios

Mark: Outstanding; E.T.S.A.M  (‘Universidad Politécnica de Madrid’)


Aspart of the Master in Advanced Architectural Projects, Luis Palacios developed an investigation into the urban configuration design, based on the study of the ‘Noahs Ark’ Project, by Dutch architect Piet Blom.  Here is an extract that summarises his presentation given to the Masters Approval Committee:

1962. Royaumont (France). Team 10 meeting. Van Eyck presents the ‘Noah’s Ark’ proposal, created by his best student, Piet Blom, as an example of the theoretical discourse on new patterns of urban configuration. Praised by some and criticized by others, the project sparked controversy within Team 10.

The Final Project focuses on the recovery of the ‘Noah’s Ark’ proposal, its valuation and contemporary reinterpretation as urban support, collective patterns for individual interpretation or as a higher order system that allows small-scale chaos.
