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January 20th, 2016





A process, orientated and based on the objectification for the democratic production of modern public space  

International architecture and urbanism competition ‘Think Public Space’.

Zagreb, 2015.

Selected. 2nd round.

The “Think Public Space” Competition sought for theoretical or built interventions that questioned the character of public space in the social, political and economic contemporary European context. Our proposal, understood more as an oriented process than as a closed design, is based on four approximation points:

0. A Central European sub-urban context.

1. A diverse and porous tissue.

2. A catalogue of urban programmers.

4. A process open in time.



The strategy for the management of public space is implemented in time, modifying the character of the intervention:

2015. Extensive park.

2020. Public space in-between time.

2025. A process open in time



The jury appreciated the proposal, selecting it for giving answer to the demands posed on the competition statement. You can see the rest of the projects on the following link:

> Authors:

. Enrique Arenas, architect

. Luis Basabe, architect

. Luis Palacios, architect

> Collaborators:

. María Ángeles Peñalver, architect

. Alba Sospedra, architecture student